97 thoughts on “Reinstate Amazon Seller Account Suspended – The Complete Guide

  • Hi Sorabh,
    One week ago I received a “at risk of deactivation” notice from Amazon due to Dropshipping Policy Violation in my recent orders. It was saying that if I don’t write an POA appeal within 72 hours they would deactivate my listings. I prepared an appeal but they deactivated my account earlier than 72 hours so I couldn’t send it on time. But with panic, I sent it as an appeal right after the deactivation and they sent me an automatic message at the same minute saying that “we do not have enough information to reactivate your seller-fulfilled offers at this time, we need greater details…”

    My account health dashboard is completely clean. All the metrics are within Amazon’s good rate, there is no bad feedback in 180 days, no compliances ets. Amazon says that I violated dropshipping policy in my recent orders. I checked customer messages, return reason, feedbacks etc. but couldn’t find the exact reason.

    As they didn’t write a specific reason for my deactivation I am having hard time finding the root case. Could you please help mewith the possible root cases and ways to resolve it?

    Thanks in advance,

  • Hi Saurabh
    Vishal Here
    My amazon account got suspended in year 2014 as we cancelled ordered from our end for no reason , we were not serious with amazon seller at that time , we were more focussed on our offline business, but now we are very dedicatedly looking forward to work with amazon,
    Pls help us in getting it reactivated as we had also sended the plan of action as well

  • Hi Sourabh,

    My amazon account has been suspend due to some product inventory glitch or offering items that may be inauthentic product ( Product ASIN ID : B08KGLZS8Y, B08KGK3TXF, B08KGC6384 )

    Please suggest me the right way how to re-open my seller account

  • Dear Sir,
    I have recently suspended my Amazon UK account due to below reason email,
    (1st I have created Amazon UK seller account with fortunately diverted to Amazon.com by using my UK register company and transfer wise bank account detail etc. This account was initially shows status Invalid or Can not verify your seller account, after that I have re-try with another email and different IP address but using the same UK base company credential and bank detail. ( I have observed 2nd seller account also shows the Invalid Status, but email received from 1st seller ID, and they re-instate my account for 3 days, but I have received the below email from Amazon seller account.
    Can you please help me to provide the Appeal letter and all what Amazon needed to reinstate my account. Many Thanks

    We received your submission but do not have enough information to reactivate your account at this time.
    To reactivate your account, please take one of the following actions:
    1. Reactivated any and all accounts that have been enforced for policy violation by submitting one appeal for each enforcement. Please follow the instructions in the communication received for that account or by signing into your Seller Central account. OR
    2. Substantiated claims that you once owned the account or had account rights but no longer own it or no longer have account rights by providing supporting documentation. This includes but is not limited to sales deed, purchase agreement, business transfer agreement, contract termination, etc. OR
    3. Confirmed that you have never owned a separate account and believe this deactivation was in error. If we cannot substantiate the claim, your account will not be reinstated and this account will not be allowed to do business on Amazon in the future. How do I send the required information?
    Please click on the View Appeal button on the Account Health dashboard (https://sellercentral-europe.amazon.com/performance/dashboard?ref=ah_em_ap) and submit additional information as requested. What happens if I do not send the requested information? If we do not receive the requested information within 90 days of the original notification, your account will remain deactivated. We’re here to help If you have questions about our Multiple Account Policy or information requested above, please read our “Selling Policies and Seller Code of Conduct” (https://sellercentral.amazon.nl/gp/help/G1801). Additionally, please review general guidance for creating a plan of action (https://sellercentral.amazon.co.uk/gp/help/G201623610). You can view your account performance at (https://sellercentral-europe.amazon.com/performance/dashboard?ref=ah_em_ap) or select Account Health on the home screen of the Amazon Seller app on your iOS or Android device. The Account Health dashboard shows how well your account is performing against the performance metrics and policies required to sell on Amazon. — iOS App (https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/amazon-seller/id794141485?mt=8) — Android App (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.amazon.sellermobile.android&hl=en_GB)
    Sincerely, Seller Performance Team Amazon.co.uk

  • Hello Sir
    My Account as been Suspended they asked me a Invoice of the Products and a Plan of Action so i replied this mail to amazon Seller I know it is not
    a Proper Format. As I my a new Seller I don’t know anything about this, Please help me how to send Plan of action In a Proper Format.

    Dear sir,
    You are deactivated my account last 3 weeks back I already provided all related information to you. Like supplier Tax invoice and his authorized letter. But still you asking for plan of action.
    Plan of action:Sir,Product is purchase from AUTHORIZED seller and ALL ARE UNDER WARRANTY. So no issues to customers.Also customer has any complaints about technical issues of the product he will call customer care number. Also from my side already we are sending the products to customer with quality check with Neat and clean packaging and preventative manner.
    Thank and Regards,Creative House

      • AmazonAug 12, 2020 10:23 AM
        Hello from Amazon Selling Partner Support,

        From our conversation I understand that you had questions regarding Account Deactivated Issues.

        As discussed, I would like to inform you that Your Amazon Seller account has been temporarily deactivated and your listings have been removed. Funds will not be transferred to you but will be held in your account while we work with you to address the following concern(s).

        We are reviewing your Amazon Seller account for the reason(s) listed below. In order to ensure that customers can shop with confidence on Amazon, we routinely request additional documentation from sellers to verify their account information and confirm authenticity of certain items.

        To reactivate your selling account, please address the following concern(s):

        You are offering items that may be inauthentic. A list of these items is provided below:

        B071WX3FV8 V-Guard Registered View Seller Listing V-Guard Personal Fan Lap Breeze 250 mm Sweep Size with Speed Control (Brown)

        B07HNJFNMF V-Guard Registered View Seller Listing V-Guard Stabilizer Crystal Plus 3Ampier for LED/3D/Smart TV Upto 47 Inch

        B084M8321C V-Guard Registered View Seller Listing V-Guard Crystal 200 Prime for One LED/LCD Smart TV Upto 178 cm (Upto 70 inch) + Set Topbox + Home Theatre System/Gaming Console Or Photostat Machine(Working Range: 90-290V; 6 A) Voltage Stabilizer

        Please send us the following information:
        — Copies of invoices, receipts, contracts, delivery orders, or authorization letters from your supplier issued in the last 365 days. The quantity of items shown should match your inventory.
        — If you are not the brand owner, provide an authorization letter and a complete set of documentation, including authorization letters, to prove a valid supply chain.
        — If you are the brand owner, provide a copy of the brand registration certificate, and business license or personal identity card.
        — Contact information for your supplier, including name, phone number, address, email, and website.

        You can send .pdf, .jpg, .png, or .gif files. These documents must be authentic and unaltered. We may call your supplier to verify the documents. You may remove pricing information, but the rest of the document must be visible. We will maintain the confidentiality of your supplier contact information.

        Please submit this information to pq-seller-assessment@amazon.in.

        If we do not receive the requested information within 17 days, or after two unsuccessful appeals (whichever occurs sooner), we may not allow you to sell on Amazon.

        You can see your balance and settlement information in the Payments section of Seller Central. If you have questions about those, please write to payments-investigate@amazon.in.

        Please let us know how we did.

        Were you satisfied with the support provided?

        Click here for yes:
        Click here for no:

        Thank you!

        To view your case details, please click https://sellercentral.amazon.in/gp/case-dashboard/view-case.html/ref=sc_cd_lobby_vc?caseID=6252580962.

        Please note: this e-mail was sent from an address that cannot accept incoming e-mail. If you require additional support please contact us at https://sellercentral.amazon.in/hz/contact-us.

        Thank you,

        kirti k.

        • Hi Ashwini, Sad to know that your account has been suspended. The reason of suspension of your account is “Inauthentic Product”. Kindly refer this article –> https://bit.ly/2DUEH11 for complete details regarding the same as well sample POA. GOOD LUCK!

  • Hi
    My account was deactivated and receive this mail
    Please help me to reinstate my selling account


    Your Amazon.in Seller account has been deactivated in accordance with section 3 of Amazon

  • Hi,

    thank you for your Help in POAs. Our account was suspended 2018, so we send new poa, but still waiting now for 30 days, no response. Can u help us?

  • sir i got this mail from amazon please sir help me with this what should i do next…

    We attempted to reach you by phone to discuss the status of your account.

    There have been some issues with your account related to intellectual property infringement.

    Why is this happening?
    Amazon does not allow listings that violate the intellectual property rights of brands or rights owners. To learn more, please review Amazon

    • Sad to know that. You have been warned due intellectual property infringement. You need to submit the proof of purchase and authenticity of the products, failing which your account can be suspended. Kindly refer to sample POA here ?? https://amazingmarketer.in/amazon/account-suspension/amazon-account-suspension-intellectual-property-complaint-plan-of-action-and-appeal

      You have 72 hours so take your time to write a proper POA and submit along with the invoices and brand authorization letter. In the POA clearly mention the steps that you are taking to correct the issue. If it is actually a case of infringement and you do not have the proof of authenticity, you will have to remove the listings also before you submit the POA.

      Once you submit the Plan of Action, Amazon will take some time to respond. Please wait for their response and do not resubmit the POA too soon.

      All the best!

  • Hello Sir I got This Following E-mail From Amazon Today on 28-6-2020. I am using Amazon links in facebook groups and blogging pages(indiakeproducts.blogspot.com) Because I am a beginner in Affiliate Marketing So I have send appolozise letter.Please Help Me

    By Amazon

    • Hi Upasana, One has to go through guidelines while creating Amazon affiliate account, Amazon’s mail clearly state that you does not meet social media standards and that the reason of your suspension. Kindly check what wrong you have done while posting the links on social media. GOOD LUCK ??

  • Hello,
    Please I need your advise as my account has now been deactivated. Last week I listed an item on my UK amazon, because I sell globally, it was also automatically listed for other market. A few hours later I received a suspension email from amazon Italy for selling an item that needed authorisation. It was not the case for the UK market when I was listing the item. Being a new seller I responded immediatly to the appeal explaining what happened. The email asked for invoices and authorisation letter from supplier to sell that item. The thing is I hadn’t yet purchased the item from any shop or supplier when I listed it. I was only planning on getting supplies as orders came through. I have explained this but now I have been told my account is deactivated because I failed to provide evidenve. I will not be receiving my money when I never sold the items in question in the first place. How can they not pay me money that do not relate to the issue when I have provided the service to customers and none of them has yet complained. I really need your help as I now just want this account closed and my money. Every explanation I have been providing seems to be ignored and all I get is an automatic email from amazon Italy asking for evidences that I do not have. I can’t wait 90 days as I have to pay back what I have already invested. Also how can I be responsible if they listed the item on the Italy market not me. This happened 2 weeks ago but now when I look for the same item in the Italian market, the restriction is not even there anymore. Thank you for your article above wish I had come accross it before writing my first appeal. Thanks again.

    • Hi Lina, Sad to know that you account has been suspended. What you are facing are faced by many sellers on daily basis but we all have to understand one thing that we all have to act as per Amazon’s standard rules & policies. The only way to get your account reinstated is to provide those documents. Amazon ask these documents to curb the sell of fake and stolen products. Also, there is not way to speed up the process of payment reimbursement!

      • Hello Sorabh

        Thank you for your reply. We finally bought the items in question and sent them proof (email confirming order and quantity and advise notes that come with the package since we bought them from a well known online saler). After reviewing our proof, they came back to us saying our account is now deactivated because we failed to provide proof and we will wait 90 days to get our money. We just don’t get it. Was that proof not enough? Is there anything else we can do at this stage?
        Thank you.

        • Hi Lyna, It would be great if you can share your suspension mail and appeal letter that you have submitted to Amazon. Also, share the supporting documents. Mail me at amazingmarketer24@gmail.com All this will help me to analyse the case.

  • Dear Seller,
    We attempted to reach you by phone to discuss the status of your account.
    As a result of these issues, your Amazon selling account has been temporarily deactivated.
    Your listings have been removed. Funds will not be transferred to you but will stay in your account while we work with you to address this issue. Please ship any open orders to avoid further impact to your account.

    Why is this happening?

    Your current sales volumes are not supported by buyer feedback or an established sales history. As a result, we are reviewing your Amazon.com seller account.

    How do I reactivate my account?

    To reactivate your selling account, please send a plan of action that explains:
    — The root cause(s) of the Velocity Limits and Account Review policy;
    — The actions you have taken to resolve the policy violation; and
    — The steps you have taken to prevent this violation in the future. How do I send the required information?

    Please submit this information by clicking the Appeal button next to this message on the Performance Notifications page in Seller Central. (https://sellercentral.amazon.in/performance/notifications?ref=ah_em_op). We

    • Dear Sonia,

      From this suspension mail, it appears that Amazon suspects you to have sold products through paid or other unfair means.

      Kindly share more details about your account activity and if you are aware of the exact issue. I will accordingly suggest a further course of action.

  • Hello Sir,
    My amazon account is suspended and they are asking about the bill or brand authorization letter of produts which i listed

    • Hi Ifrez, the documents asked from Amazon are the mandatory one and without those it is impossible to reinstate the account.

  • Hello,
    In order to ensure the authenticity of items for sale on Amazon, we are reviewing your inventory for the ASIN listed below. Your listings are still active, but we would like to work with you to complete our review.

    ASIN: 147213995X
    TITLE: Mindset – Updated Edition: Changing The Way You think To Fulfil Your Potential
    Within 7 days, please reply to this email with the following:

    Copies of invoices or receipts from your supplier issued in the last 365 days. These should reflect your sales volume during that time.
    Contact information for your supplier, including name, phone number, address, and website.
    You can send .pdf, .jpg, .png, or .gif files. These documents must be authentic and unaltered. We may call your supplier to verify the documents. You may remove pricing information, but the rest of the document must be visible. We will maintain the confidentiality of your supplier contact information.

    If we do not hear from you within 7 days, or we are unable to confirm the information you provide, we may remove your listings.

    Learn more about our policies in Seller Central Help:

    Prohibited Seller Activities and Actions (https://sellercentral.amazon.in/gp/help/200386250)
    Product Detail Page Rules (https://sellercentral.amazon.in/gp/help/200390640)
    Condition Guidelines (https://sellercentral.amazon.in/gp/help/200339950)

    • Hi Ifrez, The good part is your account has not been suspended. Kindly provide the asked documents to Amazon. All privileges will reinstated once your account gets reviewed and all comes out fine. GOOD LUCK ??

  • hi Sir
    My account was suspended due to Forged and manipulated Invoices. Kindly help me to reinstate the account

    • Hi Nishant,

      Sorry to say, I am not able to help you in your case as you have messed up the whole case by doing unethical & illegal activity. You should be more cautious once you account gets suspended. On the contrary, you have forged the invoices and lose the remaining minuscule chances that you have.

  • Hello,

    Your Amazon selling account has been deactivated. Your listings have been removed. Funds will not be transferred to you but will be held in your account while we work with you to address this issue. Please ship any open orders to avoid further impact to your account.

    Why did this happen?
    We arrived at this decision because we were unable to verify information related to your seller account, or did not receive any new information regarding your listings or selling history.


    You can view your account performance and more details on the ASIN(s) at (https://sellercentral.amazon.in/performance/dashboard?reftag=email_block) or select Account Health on the home screen of the Amazon Seller app on your iOS or Android device. The Account Health dashboard shows how well your account is performing against the performance metrics and policies required to sell on Amazon.

    We’re here to help.
    If you need help better understanding what is causing this, please search for “Intellectual Property Violations” in Seller Central Help (https://sellercentral.amazon.in/gp/help/external/201361070).

    How do I reactivate my account?
    To reactivate your selling account, please send us the following:
    A plan of action that explains:
    — The root cause(s).
    — The actions you have taken to resolve the notices of infringement or violation of Amazon’s policies.
    — The steps you have taken to prevent infringement or violating Amazon’s policies.

    For security reasons, we only accept attachments in the following file formats: .jpeg, .jpg, .pjpeg, .gif, .png, .tiff. These documents must be authentic and unaltered.

    How do I send the required information?
    Submit this information at notice-dispute@amazon.in.

    What happens if I do not send the requested information?
    If we do not receive the requested information, your account will remain deactivated and funds in your account may be held for 90 days or longer. Depending on your account status and activities, you may be required to complete an additional review before funds can be released. Amazon may withhold payments if we determine that your account was used to sell inauthentic or prohibited goods, commit fraud, or engage in other illegal or abusive activity.

    — iOS: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/amazon-Seller/id794141485
    — Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.amazon.sellermobile.android&am…;hl=en

  • Hello sir..
    I was A regular seller on amazon .but my account is now closed i dont know why ? plz help me for reopened my account at amazon seller..thanx

  • Hi
    My account is suspension Beacuse i have by mistakly safe t claim pic same time upload that so how that reopened….

  • Your Amazon Seller account has been temporarily deactivated and your listings have been removed. Funds will not be transferred to you but will be held in your account while we work with you to address the following concern(s).

    Why is this happening?
    You are offering items that may be inauthentic. A list of these items is provided below. In order to ensure that customers can shop with confidence on Amazon, we routinely request additional documentation from sellers to verify their account information and confirm authenticity of certain items.

    The sale of counterfeit products on Amazon is strictly prohibited. You can learn more about Amazon

    • Hi Mahesh, Your account has been suspended due to “INAUTHENTIC PRODUCT CLAIM”. Kindly refer to the below-mentioned link for each and every detail. Samaple POA is available in the article as well. Link –> http://bit.ly/2QJPfSn

      Also, share all the documents Amazon has asked. ALL THE BEST!!

  • Hello Sir,
    My amazon account is suspended and they are asking about the bill or brand authorization letter of produts which i listed…But I don’t have one…
    I am new seller to amazon i don’t know proper terms & condition about amazon…
    help me out please.

  • Hello
    My account Suppened 1 year or more can we reinstande my account ?

    this is first suspend mail


    Recently there has been some issues related to intellectual property infringement. As a result of these issues, your Amazon selling account has been temporarily deactivated. At this time, funds will not be transferred to you but will stay in your account while we work with you to address this issue.

    Amazon previously alerted you of these issues by emailing the warnings listed below:

    — Infringement Type: COUNTERFEIT

    Title: Mounting Dream MD2413-S Full Motion TV Wall Mount Bracket with Articulating Arms, 60 Lbs Loading Capacity, Fits Most of 17-39 Inches LED, LCD TV with Max VESA 200 x 200mm, 18.8

  • Sir my account suspended due to product page violations and detail page abuse… as i have changed the brand name of the product frm generic to my registered brand and also file an infringement against the mappers listings were blocked at that tym but my account is suspended now please help me what can i do

  • Hi sir my amazon account suspended wish din 2dayes they guys ask me invoice but as i m new one on amazon i m selling books my lots of friend doing they provide books for me but they not give any invoice now they are saying we dont have any invoice my mony stuk and my work also stop can you help me out this
    Ajay sharma

    • Hi Ajay,

      To reopen your suspended Amazon account, you have to submit the invoices to Amazon to prove the genuineness of the product. There is no other option apart from this. Don’t want to give you any false hope, it’s amazon policy that allows amazon to ask the proof of product authenticity.

  • Hello sir my account is suspended because I copy some invalid credit card on my payment system.. Plz sir help me.. To tell me a POA

    • Hi Rakesh, copying someone else financial details is illegal and comes under the category of fraud as per cyber laws as well. It’s better to apologize and explain your scenario to Amazon seller support. They might provide you some solution.

  • Hello sir my account is suspended because i copy someone debit or credit card on YouTube.. Please help me sir..

  • Hello sir this is Guri
    my account is suspended
    it shows that we found that your account is related to different account that may not be used to sell on our markte place as a result you may no longer sell on amazon.in through this account
    how can i reactivate my account please tell me any POA

  • Hello
    I need urgent help please!
    They closed my account because I had a mobile phone case from a video game that my provider was selling and I didn’t know it.
    The infraction is: Claims on intellectual property.
    I have sent this action plan with my data and they resend the automatic message that they need more details, invoices and proof of authenticity when I already said in the action plan that I was not authorized to sell it! I don’t know what else to do and I am the person who brings the money into my house. I have no more sources of income. I’m desperate 🙁
    Please help

    • Hi Arianna,
      As you have mentioned, your account has been suspended due to “INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY CLAIM”. Kindly refer the below-mentioned link for each and every detail. POA is available in the article as well.

      Refer link –> http://bit.ly/2kBze5j for POA

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