Facebook is a most popular free social networking website that allows registered users to create their profiles, upload their photos, videos, send and receive messages, share them with friends and family members, keep in touch with colleagues or other people from your contact and also allows you to make new friends in and around and also be friend with your friend’s friend.

It allows you to update your status and see your known people also. You can change your profile settings anytime and also restrict people to be in your friends or not. The website is available in 37 different languages and also includes some public features such as-

  1. Marketplace – This allows the members to post, read and respond to classified ads in their own ways.
  2. Groups– This allows people to who have some kinds of common features and interest to let know each other and contact and interact.
  3. Events– This allows people to invite friends to any kind of event hosted by the member, or publicize your event for making plans and let people attend it.
  4. Pages– This allows its members to create some kind of a public page on any topic to promote a public page.
  5. Presence Technology– This allows people to see who all in your friend’s list are online or who are not available that moment of time.

But nowadays Facebook has really become a mess in some or the other ways. The first being the addiction, which has become the most ruining factor in most of the individuals nowadays, whether a kid or grown-up individuals.

People are often involved emotionally and physically in this by which sometimes they spoil themselves in one or the other way. But it has also found to be effective in many ways, the matter is that how people take it and use in their life, to be happy or sad. There are always pros and cons in everything around us.

facebook reaction

Now let us talk about how Facebook affect marketers, does it really affect or not? Facebook allows business to go beyond the traditional way of advertising of their products or services.

A company for marketing of its products and services requires advertising, whether they have send a direct campaign to the market or made a Television commercial, but social media giant like Facebook always will remain their centric way to acknowledge more and more people.

Facebook allows brands or says company officials to interact with users and customers directly around their engaging content. When Facebook users log in or sign up and see their news feed, they make aware of what all things are going around and this makes new product or service launch to reach and approach more people more effectively.

Facebook advertising allows brands to target a very specific set of people in some way if it is not likely made public. In such case, promotion within a family work, like if you are trying to promote a family doctor and hence you can choose to market those in your local area.

Social media has become an inspiring change in today’s era, in the way business leaders interact with their customers and users, for good reasons as well. Companies have often showed their customer satisfaction increase level up to 50% when they have adopted interaction through social media, 48% increase in their business leads and around 25% increase in their total revenue.

For example, when a company changes its price of anything dealing till now, then this affects its users in a bad way, they posts negative comments and it ultimately leads to loss of customers and portions of their market value. This is called the speed of social media, everything happens in a blink of an eye.

Top Social Media Goals
Check out the top 10 changes which when made by Social media giant Facebook, may affect Marketers in one or the other ways –
  1.  Personal News Feed – this feature rely on selecting which friend and pages you like to post on top of your news feed. Recently, the company is in news for making changes in its news feed which will start a computer-administered selection of your pages and posts. Marketers by this step can be affected by such changes, in the way that people will may or may not choose their advertisement to be in the top of their news feed, which will make that ad less viewable to other people.
  2. “Call” Button on Ads – Facebook has added a feature of “Call Now” call-to-action feature on advertisement to make people encourage seeing that particular ad on their mobile devices to call that business associate personally at one touchpoint. Since many people nowadays use Facebook on their smartphones, this feature if changes or removed will affect marketers and their business too.
  3. Declined reach of promotional posts in the news feed – Everyone who uses Facebook page may have noticed a downward slope in terms of reach on their posts, if you want to avoid some kinds of promotional posts in your news feed. If you have a promotional advertisement page, then you will make effort to make it reach more number of people, advertise it more in different ways to give it an exposure.
  4. Constant addition of new Facebook advertising options – This allows emphasizing on many advertising opportunities, their targeting the content ways and uploading their own custom users and creating own conversion pages and seeing how does this kind of advertisement really works.
  5. Emphasis on video and video ads – A recent data shown up that people are more uploading videos on Facebook rather than on YouTube, because of the enhancing feature of auto-playing in the news feed and even call-to-action feature have been additionally added to the same.
  6. Call-to-action button on cover image – Features of Sign Up, Call Now, Shop, etc. can be added on the cover image if you advertise, as Facebook has provided to alter the page and its statistics to reach out the people.
  7. New emphasis on page responsiveness to messages – People often are found more responsive in answering any kind of messages send to them directly. A very responsive icon is also made to 90% of the messages responded with 5 minutes of sending.
  8. Publishing Tool – Publishing tools are present on the top of your Facebook profile page, like drafts, messages, schedules posts, tags, etc. which are very handy to use. Past posts can also be viewed from that page, and also a create option is present that allows you to directly create a page from the publishing tool tab.
  9. Welcome note for place check-ins – if the Facebook page is set up as a page, then you can customize the messages and image for people to see you when they check-ins to their accounts.
  10. Narrow down your audience – When you publish a post to your page make sure that this may limit the people to view it, make it wiser in order to be more viewable like selections of Gender, locations, interest, favourites, etc. This also goes with your advertisement page which requires more attractiveness and must contain more eye catching point to make it more viewable.

Recently Mark Zuckerberg has come with a change in the News feed in your Facebook page, that will emphasis more on promoting more personal content rather than news and other sorts of stuffs. This has been done in order to lessen the number of fake content from Facebook which will lessen media content and business.

The social marketing is a kind of world in which business and brands popular and emerging in a really short period of time when we use it with traditional media. With superb strategies, correct partnership, and influential tactics, you can make your business high in sale and emerge in marketing.

Let us look at some points which will affect by the new change in the Facebook page-

  • Reputed stocks which will have recently got an incensement/acknowledgement.
  • Businesses which have adjusted with the new marketing ecosystems.
  • The future of Social media marketing depends on how Facebook chooses to regulate its influencers, this will effect if business is executed even more beneficially through fake kind of people that are may be the influencers.

There are some top ranking factors in the Facebook algorithm, when considering the types of content that Facebook will favour in the News feed moving toward the active and passive interactions which will lead into the changes made. Understanding the top signals in algorithm of Facebook and their ranking factors will be first step in creating content that ranks well.

  1. Commenting – The top Facebook algorithm is Commenting, which have been engaged with the “engagement bait” on different sides. Like Tag baiting and Comment baiting.
  2. Sharing – Notice signals in Facebook with two types of sharing, the first of people sharing links or their contents within Messenger and the second one, engagement with a publisher posted by any friend.
  3. Reacting – This includes engagement of brands posts reach more people within from the news feed. Not so many people always share or comment, but reactions are a great way to judge the quality of content within Facebook.

So ultimately, Facebook is a mess in totality however there are still great options to make the opportunities tangible as it caters more than 2 billion people or we can say “Customer”. Thus, being a marketer one has to be positioned their product or services more strategically than ever.

There must be other features or functionality that Facebook are coming with and I must have missed them. So, let me know what I have missed and what do you think?

About The Author

Sorabh KumarHi! I’m Sorabh Kumar, a Digital Marketing Consultant, a leading YouTuber and founder of a few small businesses. With 10+ years’ experience of Digital Marketing in Higher Education vertical and proven results, I now provide specialized consultancy and training to corporates.

I started Amazing Marketer with a belief that a good understanding of various digital marketing platforms and techniques combined with divergent thinking can give the required boost to any business in the current tech-savy world.

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