Q1. What is FBA? a. Full with Amazonb. Filled by Amazonc. Fulfillment by Amazond. None of the above Q2. What is FBM? a. Shipping methodb. Discount programc. Both a & bd. None of the above Q3. What is motto of FBA? a. You sell it, we ship itb. You ship it, we sell itc. You ship it, you sell itd. We sell it, we ship it Q4. Which of the following are advantages of FBA? a. Prime shippingb. Amazon provides customer servicec. Amazon pays for the shipmentd. All of the Above Q5. Which method is the best to have more control over inventory? a. FBAb. FBM Q6. You are eligible for prime shipping by default under FBM? a. Trueb. False Q7. Existing listings can be converted into FBA listings at any time? a. Trueb. False Q8. Chances of winning buy box is higher with FBM? a. Trueb. False Q9. You can use both FBA & FBM simultaneously? a. Trueb. False Q10. Can you win buy box using FBM? a. Trueb. False Submit your email id to get your result. Your email* Your Name Δ