Q1. Cash-On-Delivery is allowed in self ship method a. Yesb. No Q2. If a customer returned an empty box to seller, what seller has to file a. SAFE-T Claimb. A-Z Claimc. Chargebackd. None of the above Q3. Can a seller get Prime Badge in self ship method? a. Yesb. No Q4. A plastic with less than 50 micron can be used for product packaging a. Yesb. No Q5. FBA have following product size categories a. Standardb. Overweightc. Heavy & Bulkyd. All of the above Q6. A product weight is 550 gm and volumetric weight is 500 gm, which will Amazon consider for shipping a. 550 gmb. 500gmc. Bothd. Amazon rejects the order shipment Q7. In FBA, shipping fee is calculated without product packaging a. Trueb. False Q8. In FBA, customer pay the return shipping fee a. Trueb. False Q9. Seller gets complete refund if customer returns the product a. Trueb. False Q10. Late Dispatchment Rate should be under 4% a. Trueb. False Submit your email id to get your result. Your email* Your Name Δ